160 Hours
- Plan - 160 hrs
- Hours Per Day - 4 or 8
- Monthly Cost - $960.00
80 Hours
- Plan - 80 hrs
- Hours Per Day - 2 or 4
- Monthly Cost - $640.00
40 Hours
- Plan - 40 hrs
- Hours Per Day - 2 or 4
- Monthly Cost - $400.00
We Accept Paypal and Bank Transfers to our Wells Fargo Business Account.
Special Features
- Engage your Virtual Assistant at your convenience. 1 hour / 2 hours / 4 hours / 8 hours a day slots available in your time zone.
- Everything just blends together. You may ask the virtual assistant to work over a weekend.
- Talk to your virtual assistant. We give you a direct local phone number. Skype and Emails are also your alternatives.
- Virtual Assistant works for your exclusively. No other commitments.
- You pay for productive hours only. We don’t charge for breaks or sick leaves.
- Share your best practices with the virtual assistant. We don’t charge you for training the virtual assistant.
- Contact info@assignyourtask.com for Special Price on Large Team.